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GBC Peelnstick Pouch A4 2x100 Micron Gloss (Pack 100) 41666E



Quantity 11+

Peel´ n´ Stick Laminating Pouches are ideal for creating instant, professional and eye-catching signs. The adhesive back sticks to most materials including glass, metal and board. Simply peel off the backing paper to uncover the self-adhesive layer. 100 micron gloss pouches. A4 format. Pack size: 100.

  • A4 hot lamination pouches with an adhesive back, Ideal for creating instant, professional and eye-catching signs
  • Suitable for use with all hot laminators, 2x100 micron with a gloss finish to enhance colours
  • The adhesive back sticks to most materials including glass, metal and board, Simply peel off the backing paper to uncover the self-adhesive layer
  • Available in a variety of sizes and microns